Ramiz Asgarov



Ramiz Askerov was born on February 9, 1937. In 1957-1965, he studied at the film directing faculty of the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography in Moscow under the course of Mikhail Romm. While a student, together with his friends, he shot the short film “Yurka-daginig komada”. Ramiz Askerov, Antonis Voyazos, Andrey Smirnov and Boris Yashin played the main role in the debut short film of the same name, based on Anatoly Kuznetsov’s story “Yurka-disorganized team”, and Vasiliy Shukshin played the main role. He was the screenwriter of the documentary film “Azim Azimzade”. His first feature film was “It’s nice to live, my brother!” (1966) was a full-length film. He was awarded a diploma of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR for his successful debut at the zone festival of the republics of Transcaucasia and Ukraine. He was the production director of the film “I was not beautiful”. (together with Tofig Taghizadeh and Agarza Guliyev) died in 1967 during the shooting of the film “I Wasn’t Beautiful”.

  1. http://kinobiz.az/celebrity/ramiz-%C9%99sg%C9%99rov/
  2. https://azerforum.com/az/news-lumunu-qabaqcadan-yazan-nazim-hikmetin-dul-qadini-ile-gorushen-partlayishda-helak-olan-rejissorumuz
  3. https://cenub.az/6829-kiliind-rejissorun-operatorun-fotoqrafn-hlak-olduu-kinomuz-mn-ki-gzl-deyildimin-facivi-kadr-arxas.html
  4. https://m.modern.az/az/news/73170/rejissorlarin-yetim-qizlari-yaxud-ayaqsiz-cennet-quslari


  1. Life is beautiful, my brother! (film, 1966)
  2. Azim Azimzade (film, 1967)
  3. I wasn’t beautiful (film, 1968)
  4. Director. About Ramiz Asgarov… (film, 2004)
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