Projects done by Film Directors Guild of Azerbaijan

  • «Establishment of website» 2001

(Author and director of the project – Huseyn Mediyev)

  • «International Audivisual Festival» 2001-2007

(Author and director of the project – Huseyn Mediyev)

  • “South Caucasus Audio-Visual Network”2004
    (Author and director of the project – Huseyn Mediyev)


  • «Experimental film «Caspian bride» 2005
    (Author of the project Fate Helmer, director –Huseyn Mehdiyev)


  • «Seminar on filmmaking»  2005
    (Author of the project Fate Helmer, director –Huseyn Mehdiyev)


  • «Adapting Mugham to screen» International project 2006-2007
    (Author of the project C.Səlimxanov, director of the project – Huseyn Mediyev )


  • «Ameteur film» festival 2006
    (Author and director of the project – Shahira Tajaddin)


  • Monitoring in the Field of author’s rights  (Author and director of the project – Huseyn Mediyev