Sayyad Bayramov

art director


Sayyad Bayramov son of Ibrahim  was born in Soyugbulag village of Gadabey district. He studied at Art School named after Azim Azimzade (1972-1976), Tbilisi Art Academy (1976-1978), All-Union State Cinematography Institute (1978-1983), at the grauduate school of All-Union State Institute of Cinematography (1988-1992). In 1983, he started working as an art director at “Azerbaijanfilm” film studio. Since 1996, he has worked as a researcher at the Institute of Architecture and Art of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and as a teacher at the “Film director and visual director” department at the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art. He is Candidate of Arts Sciences.


  1. The tale of the old oak (1984, full length feature film) – costume designer
  2. Tale of sole pomegranate (1984, full length feature film) – decor artist
  3. Special situation (1986, full length feature film) – costume designer
  4. Looting of Salur Gazan’s house (2 parts) – costume designer
Contact:050 364 60 67
Address:Baku city, Moscow prospect 1.