Azer Salayev

director of photography

Azer Salayev son of Ahmadaga was born in Baku. He studied at the cameraman faculty of the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography. Since 1967, he worked as a cameraman’s assistant and director of photography of documentaries at the “Azerbaijanfilm” film studio. He is a member of the Professional Film Directors Guild of Azerbaijan.


  1. Treasure (1970, short feature film) – director of photography
  2. Heavy wardrobe (1971, short feature film) – director of photography
  3. The Azerbaijani school is on the rise (1972, short documentary film) – director of photography
  4. Protection of soil from erosion (1973, short documentary film) – director of photography
  5. Emergency-rescue and recovery works in regions where oil and gas are extracted (1974, short documentary film) – director of photography
  6. Architectural monuments of Azerbaijan (1976, short documentary film) – director of photography
  7. Balabas breed sheep (1976, short documentary film) – director of photography
  8. Bridges (1976, short documentary film) – director of photography
  9. New day of the factory (1977, short documentary film) – director of photography
  10. Higher oil, gas and petrochemical education (1978, short documentary film) – director of photography
  11. Azerbaijan SSR (IV) (1978, short documentary film) – director of photography
  12. Friends of Java meet in Baku (1980, short documentary film) – director of photography
  13. Builders of the future (1982, short documentary film) – director of photography
  14. Huseyn Arablinski (1982, short documentary film) – director of photography
  15. Portrait option (1982, short documentary film) – director of photography
  16. Where are my wishes (1983, short documentary film) – director of photography
  17. Poet is a world for me (1984, short documentary film) – director of photography
  18. Life road (1985, short documentary film) – director of photography
  19. Steel islands (1985, short documentary film) – director of photography
  20. Azerbaijan for the 70th anniversary of October (1986, short documentary film) – director of photography
  21. Land fee (1986, short documentary film) – director of photography
  22. Time factor (1986, short documentary film) – director of photography
  23. Vivid patterns (1987, short documentary film) – director of photography
  24. The road to eternity (1987, short documentary film) – director of photography
  25. Life is a struggle (1987, short documentary film) – director of photography
  26. One day of hundred years (1987, short documentary film) – director of photography
  27. Astana (II) (1988, short documentary film) – director of photography
  28. Azerbaijan-88 (1988, full length documentary film) – director of photography
  29. Traffic safety (1988, short documentary film) – director of photography
  30. Unrepaired, mechanized production of cookies (1989, short documentary film) – director of photography
  31. Portrait of the chairman (1989, short documentary film) – director of photography
  32. Absheron plates (1990, short documentary film) – director of photography
  33. Diligent (1990, short documentary film) – director of photography
  34. Mourning (1990, short documentary film) – director of photography
  35. Health center (1990, short documentary film) – director of photography
  36. Azərbaijani sports yesterday, today… (1991, short documentary film) – director of photography
  37. Our lady Nasiba… (1991, short documentary film) – director of photography
  38. Return to faith (1992, short documentary film) – director of photography
  39. Haji Gara (IV) (2002, full length feature film) – cameraman
Contact:055 795-58-67
AddressA.Abbasov street 13, flat 52.