Murad Muradov

Film director


Murad Muradov son of Alakbar was born in Baku. He studied at the directing
faculty of the Republican Art Gymnasium (1991-2001, the class of Anvar Abluj
and Gulbeniz Azimzadeh), at the film directing faculty of the Azerbaijan State
University of Culture and Arts (2001-2005, the course of Rasim Ismayilov), at the
film directing faculty of Rustam Ibrahimbeyov International Film School (2007-
2012). . While studying at the gymnasium, he made documentaries and feature
films in the Child creative studio. He worked as a director’s assistant at Lider TV
(2005), at Azerbaijan TV (2011), at ANS TV (2012-2013), and as a director at
Kultura Plus TV (2014). He was awarded various awards and the “Youth Award”
(2007). He taught filmmaking in the filmmaking department at the Republican Art

Director Murad Muradov is the son of film director Alakbar Muradov.

1. Special Forces (2001, feature film) – director
2. Faith (2001, documentary film) – director
3. The shooting is postponed!..(2002, feature film) – member of director
group, actor
4. First battle (2003, documentary film) – director, screenwriter, cameraman
5. Water (2003, feature film) – director, screenwriter, cameraman
6. New and old Baku (2004, documentary film) – director
7. The brave (2005, documentary television film) – assistant director
8. “Haji Mail” tale (2005, documentary television film) – assistant director
9. Flying plane trees (2005, documentary film) – director
10.My soul’s cry (2006, documentary film) – director
11.Mirza of the voice (2006, documentary television film) – director
12.Edge (2007, documentary film) – director
13.Understanding… (2008, feature film) – director, screenwriter
14.Castle (2008, feature film) – member of director group
15.Children of the world (2009, documentary film) – director, screenwriter,
16.The last dervish (2009, feature film) – the second director
17.The secret of the name and fate. Gurban Said (2010, documentary film) –
18.Who is he? (2010, documentary film) – director, screenwriter, cameraman
19.Symbol of memory. Guba – 1918 (2011, documentary film) – assistant
20.In the footsteps of history… Yagub Mahmudov (2012, documentary
television film) – director
21.Wedding march – Baku weddings (2013, documentary film) – director