Alisattar Atakishiyev

Director, screenwriter, director of photography, art director

(25.12.1996 – 07.11.1990)

Alisattar Atakishiyev son of Alasgar was born in Baku. He studied at the Moscow Higher Technical School of Art (1927-1931), at the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography at the faculty of image direction (1931-1936). Since 1936, he worked at the Baku film studio. He worked at Mosfilm and Tallinnfilm studios. He shot Estonia’s first color film (1955). In 1956, he returned to the “Azerbaijanfilm” film studio and worked there in various films until 1978. Alisattar Atakishiyev, author of the book “Ibrahim’s Adventure” (1970), Honored Artist (1960), died in 1990 in a nursing home in Moscow.



  1.  Festival of folk creativity (1937, short documentary film) – director, director of photography
  2. People from Baku (1938, feature film) – director of photography
  3. Gift (1942, short feature film) – art director
  4. A family (1943, full-length feature film) – director of photography, art director
  5. Submarine T-9 (1943, feature film) – art director
  6. Arshin mal alan (II) (1945, feature film) – director of photography
  7. Fatali Khan (1947, feature film) – director of photography
  8. Morning song (1950, short documentary film) – director of photography
  9. Soviet Azerbaijan (II) (1950, short documentary) – director of photography
  10. Treatment centers of Azerbaijan (1951, short documentary film) – director, director of photography
  11. To my native people (1954, full-length documentary) – director of photography
  12. Let it be that, let it be that (1956, feature film) – director of photography, costume designer
  13. This way a song is born (1957, feature film) – costume designer
  14. Distant lands (1958, feature film) – director of photography
  15. Mystery of fortress (1959, feature film) – director, set designer
  16. Our street (1961, feature film) – director
  17. The magic robe (1964, feature film) – director, screenwriter
  18. The investigation lasts (1966, feature film) – director
  19. Nasimi (II) (1973, feature film) – actor
  20. Garib in the land of jinnes (1977, feature film) – director, costume designer
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