Ayaz Salayev

director, screenwriter, cinematographer

Ayaz Salayev son of Ramiz was born in an intellectual family in Baku. He studied at the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography, Faculty of Cinematography (1977-1982). In 1983, he became the author and presenter of the “Retro” program on Azerbaijan television, which no one expected at that time and was unlike anyone else, who appeared with a different view of world cinema and won the audience’s sympathy from the very first appearance. Ayaz Salayev continued his postgraduate studies in Moscow and taught the subject of “modern film” in that institution (1986-1988).

He worked as an editor at the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences and “Azerbaijanfilm” (1983-1985). He worked at “Internews-Azerbaijan”. He is the author of up to 200 television programs related to the history of world cinema (“Retro”-1979-1985, “Anlam”-1998-2000). He appeared in the German-Russian film “The Immigrant” (2010, directed by Yevgeny Epstein).

His debut as a director in cinema began with documentaries. Among the documentaries “Ordubad”, “Takulduz”, “Ata”, “Farghlena” that he shot based on his own script in 1984-91, the full-length documentary “Father”, created on the basis of the memories of the father of the famous millionaire Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev’s daughter Sara, stands out for its professionalism. .

In 1995, he created the feature film “Bat”. “This film has all the signs of a true masterpiece” – the most influential magazine of world cinema “Caille du Sinema” (France); “Berlin won with this film from the first day and justified the screening of countless films” – “Mond” newspaper (France); “The author of the film is a genius” – “Frankfurt Rundschau” newspaper (Germany); The film “Bat” is an ingenious poetic experiment” – magazine of the American film academy “Vorayeti”; “It was worth coming to the festival only because of this film” – “Literaturnaya gazeta” (Russia) – these words were written about Ayaz Salayev’s film “Bat” in the most influential magazines and newspapers. This film was the first film that introduced the independent Azerbaijani cinema to the world and breathed new life into our national cinema. The film, which was awarded the top prize at the international festival of European films in France, was screened at international festivals of 25 countries and won more awards.

In 1999, he appeared on the television screen as a host and author of the program “Anlam” – in direct communication with the audience, and by introducing the “meanings” that are common to each of us in our imagination again, in a completely different guise, he gave the art of cinema an unconventional and very came up with an original approach.

Ayaz Salayev is one of the founders and organizers of the Professional Film Directors Guild of Azerbaijan. As a member of the Board of Directors of the Film Directors Guild, he represented and promoted Azerbaijani cinema in many international conferences and symposia.

He teaches at ADMIU. Honored artist (2000).

  1. http://kinobiz.az/celebrity/ayaz-salayev/
  2. https://modern.az/az/news/214288/tersmulayim-adam-telebesi-ile-evlenen-ayaz-salayev-fotolar-
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-06N-O51Mg
  4. https://www.azerbaycan24.com/ayaz-salayev-sedr-secildi/
  5. https://azlogos.eu/qadinlarin-ayaginin-altindaki-c%c9%99nn%c9%99t/
  6. http://www.anl.az/down/meqale/525/2018/mart/580323.htm
  7. https://teatro.az/az/post/bermud-ucbucaginda–ayaz-salayev-7



  1. I want to get married (1983, feature film) – editor
  2. Ordubad (1983, short documentary television film) – screenwriter
  3. To see once… (1984, short documentary television film) – screenwriter
  4. Tekalduz (1985, short documentary television film) – screenwriter
  5. Father (1988, short documentary film) – director, screenwriter
  6. One person for all (1989, short feature film) – actor
  7. Provocation (1989, feature film) – actor (young lawyer)
  8. The Bat (1995, feature film) – director, screenwriter
  9. Panic (1998, short feature film) – actor (psychiatrist)
  10. Coma in 0.1 Seconds (2008, Feature Film) – General Counsel
  11. Black and white nights (2013, feature film) – director, screenwriter, executive producer
  12. Downstream (2014, feature film) – actor
  13. Science Temple of Azerbaijan (2015, full-length documentary film) – director
  14. Life that begins at dawn (2015, short documentary film) – director
  15. A Train Named Time (2016, feature film) – actor
  16. The Red Garden (2016, feature film) – editor
  17. Land (2022, full-length documentary film) – director, screenwriter
Contact:+994 12 496 51 18; +994 50 515 04 38
Address:Afiyaddin Jalilov street 20, house 18