Namig Aghayev

director, actor

Namig Agayev,son of  Firudin was born in Baku. Studied at the Drama Director Faculty of the Azerbaijan State Art Institute (1979-1984). Assistant director and director at the Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theater (1979-1987), chief director at the Azerbaijan State Puppet Theater named after Abdulla Shaik (1987-1993), head of the Creative Workshop at Space TV (2002-2007), lighting engineer at the Azerbaijan State Musical Comedy Theater artist (2009-2010), director of the Azerbaijan State Puppet Theater named after Abdulla Shaik (2010). In 1993-2001, he directed plays in the state and city theaters of Turkey. Since 2007, he worked as a director on Azerbaijan TV.

“Know this world as a fairy tale” clip (2002) “Humay” award (2002), “Stream down” in the “Best Actor” nomination (2015), “Ol” in the “Best Original Screenplay” nomination (2018) of the Azerbaijan Cinema Academy Awarded “Golden Fairy” Awards.

Director Namig Agayev is the son of writer Firudin Agayev.

Director Namig Agayev is the father of actress Rumiyya Agayeva.

Director Namig Agayev is the husband of actress Vusala Agayeva.



  1. Spring son (2004, documentary television film) – director
  2. Director. About Ramiz Askerov… (2004, TV documentary) – artistic director
  3. Interpapa (2006, feature film) – director
  4. Girls (2007, feature series) – director
  5. We are from Karabakh (2008, TV documentary) – director
  6. Karabakh is Azerbaijan (2009, feature film) – actor
  7. Crescent moon (2010, TV documentary) – director
  8. What was said came to pass… (2011, TV documentary) – director
  9. The man of tomorrow… (2011, TV documentary) – director
  10. Rauf Kazimovski (2011, TV documentary) – director
  11. Azerbaijani khanates. The Khanate of Yerevan (2012, TV documentary) – director
  12. Molla Panah Wagif (II) (2012, TV documentary) – director
  13. Nest (2012, feature film) – actor
  14. Heroes of the impregnable fortress (2013, documentary film) – actor
  15. Downstream (2014, feature film) – actor (Ali)
  16. The lonely sage (2014, documentary) – actor
  17. Nabi Khazri (II) (2014, TV documentary) – director
  18. 4.1 Urban motifs – Above and below (2015, feature film, film almanac) – actor
  19. Sorry, I couldn’t come (2015, feature film) – actor
  20. Jahd (2015, feature film) – actor
  21. Barama (2017, feature series) – actor
  22. Silent dream (2017-2018, feature series) – actor
  23. Be (2018, feature film) – director, screenwriter, actor
  24. Our commander (2021, documentary film) – director, screenwriter
  25. If the soul is one, the mountain will play from the place (film-play) – director
rejissor, aktyor Namiq Ağayev6
Contact:9:00 to 16:30
Address:9:00 to 16:30