Rufat Shabanov


(22.06.1922 – 04.08.1988)

Rufat Shabanov son of  Ismayil was born in Baku. He started working at the Azerbaijan State Russian Drama Theater (1942), then worked at the Baku film studio (1944). Although he entered the directing faculty of the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography in Moscow in order to get a higher education, he continued his studies related to his family situation at the Azerbaijan State Theater Institute (1945-1952). He was a troupe manager and director at the Russian Drama Theater (1951-1957), a director at the “Azerbaijanfilm” film studio (1957-1967), and the chief director of the television and film shooting editorial office (1967-1981). First, he was one of the organizers and chief director of “Ekran” and then “Azerbaijantelefilm” Creative Union. Honored artist Rufat Shabanov died in 1998.

Director Rufat Shabanov was actress Elmira Shabanova’s  husband.

Director Rufat Shabanov is  director Fuad Shabanov’s father.

Director Rufat Shabanov is actress Leyla Shabanova’s  father



  1. Archin mal alan (II) (1945, full length feature film) – assistant director
  2. Distant lands (1958, full length feature film) – second director
  3. True friend (1959, full length feature film) – second director
  4. Our street (1961, full length feature film) – second director
  5. Matteo Falkone (1961, short feature film) – second director
  6. Romeo is my neighbour (1963, full length feature film) – second director
  7. Dagestan concert (1964, short documentary film) – director
  8. Gipsy girl– Elevator girl (1966, full length feature film, kinoalmanac) – director
  9. Half-century chronicle of Soviet Azerbaijan  (1970, documentary series) – director
  10. Shusha (1973, short documentary film) – director
  11. Anthem of friendship (1974, short documentary television film) – director
  12. Days of Soviet literature in Azerbaijan (1975, short documentary television film) – director
  13. Nizami Ganjavi (II) (1980, short documentary film) – director
  14. Shuvalan flowers(1981, short documentary film) – director
  15. Mystery of ship’s clock (1983, full length feature film) – director
  16. A seventeen year –old boy (1986, full length feature film) – director
Law heir:Elmira Shabaova (wife)
Contact: 050 515 16 26