Rza Tahmasib

(20.04.1894 – 14.02.1980)

Rza Tahmasib, son of  Abbasgulu, was born in Nakhchivan. In 1901, he started studying at the “School of Education” opened by Mammadtagi Sidgi. At school, he was taught Russian, Arabic, Persian languages, history and geography. Five years later, he graduated from “School-education” and entered the three-class Nakhchivan city school. In 1909, he graduated there. During the terrible events that happened in Nakhchivan in 1918, he fought against the enemy as part of the self-defense units, actively participated in the defense of the city, to prevent the massacres committed by Armenians in Nehram, Shahtakht and other villages, and to protect the city of Nakhchivan from looting. Rza Tahmasib, who continued his work in Baku after 1918, received an offer to go to Turkey after the establishment of Soviet power in 1921 and work as a translator in a diplomatic mission. Appreciate this offer. Thus, in September 1921, the 28-person Azerbaijani delegation to Turkey included Reza Tahmasib. At that time, Rza Tahmasib was one of the two employees of the Information Department of the Azerbaijan representation. He returned to his homeland in August 1922 and devoted his subsequent activities to the development of theater and cinema art. He graduated from the directing faculty of the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography (1937, Sergei Eisenstein’s workshop). He started his stage career in 1910 in Tiflis in the theater troupe of the Union of Muslim Artists. Since 1920, he worked as an actor, director, artistic guiding (1922-1924), chief (1937-1938, 1953-1959), director, artistic guiding  in a film studio at the Azerbaijan State Drama Theater. Honored artist (1946), people’s artist (1964), laureate of the USSR State Prize (1946), Rza Tahmasib died in 1980.

Director, actor Reza Tahmasib is  writer, playwright Mammadhuseyn Tahmasib’s brother.

  1. http://anl.az/down/meqale/xalqcebhesi/2013/may/307427.htm
  2. http://anl.az/el/emb/TEATR/aktyorlar/rza_tehmasib.htm
  3. https://modern.az/az/news/235914/kinomuzun-qalosluadami-iblis-simali-obrazin-benzersiz-ifacisi-fotolar-
  4. https://medeniyyettv.az/az/news/2773/rza-tehmasib-oluleri-dirilden-rejissor
  5. https://kulis.az/xeber/kino/huseyn-cavidin-dostu-ataturkun-bade-yoldasi-mirze-celilin-dusmeni-colorred-xalq-artistinin-film-kimi-heyaticolor-28701
  6. https://oxu.az/culture/128145
  7. http://teatrittifaqi.az/index.php/az/ittifazh-hazhzhinda/sedrler/62-tahmasib


  1. Fishermen (1927, short feature film) – director
  2. 15th annivarsary of Azerbaijan SSR (1935, short documentary film) – director
  3. Almas (1936, full length feature film) – actor (doctor)
  4. Azerbaijan with orden (1938, full length documentary film) – director
  5. Sabuhi (1941, full length feature film) – director
  6. One family (1943, full length feature film) – second director
  7. “Arshin mal alan”(I) (1945, full length feature film) – director
  8. Fatalihan (1947, full length feature film) – actor (khan of Shamaxı Agasi khan)
  9. Lights of Baku (1950, full length feature film) – director, actor (Mir Jafar Bagirov)
  10. This way a song is born (1957, full length feature film) – director
  11. Can you forgive him? (1959, full length feature film) – director
  12. In the name of the law (1968, full length feature film) – actor (Qalosh)
  13. The most important interview (1971, full length feature film) – actor (uncle Jabrail )
  14. Actress’s smile (1974, full length film-performance) – actor (himself)
  15. Winds blow in Baku (1974, full length feature film) – actor (Shahmar bey)
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