Akif Ali

screenwriter, writer, actor

Akif Ali (Akif Maharramov son of Ali) was born in Shusha. He graduated from secondary school No. 16, Baku (1970), Azerbaijan State Institute of Russian Language and Literature named after M.F. Akhundov (1974), Baku Higher Party School (1989). At the same time, he attended under “Azerbaijanfilm” school film acting courses led by prof Adil Iskenderov.

He worked as a director’s assistant and film actor at “Azerbaijanfilm” (1974-1978). “Tajikfilm” k/st. He played the lead role (Rustam) in the film “Short Meetings in the Long War” (1975, directed by Abdulsalom Rahimov, Stanislav Chaplin). As a film actor in “Azerbaijanfilm” he created the main characters in a number of feature films: “The Sound of a Pipe” (1975, Tapdig), “Back Shot” (1977, Fazil teacher), “If we are in one place” (1977, Mammad) and others.

He worked at the Azerbaijan State Television and Radio Broadcasting Committee (1978-1987). When he was the head of the “Satire and Humor” department of the radio station and the editor-in-chief of the Youth Programs Department of the Television, at the same time he was creator, author and editor of some popular tele-radio programs.

In 1990, he directly participated in the creation of the “Voice of the Motherland” newspaper, one of the first democratic press organizations in the country, and was the editor-in-chief of that newspaper (1991-1993). At the same time, engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities, he worked as the head of the Department of Cultural Studies at the Baku Institute of Social Management and Political Science (now the Academy of State Administration) (1992-1994). He taught the courses “History of Azerbaijani culture”, “History and theory of world culture”, “Information security” in the higher school.Since October 1994, he worked as the head of the Press Service of the Cabinet of Ministers for a long time (1994-2019). During the past period, he was awarded the rank of State Counselor of the 2nd degree (2012), the medal “For distinction in public service” (2013) and the honorary title of “Honored Journalist” (2015) by the relevant decrees of the President of Azerbaijan.He is author of  large number of scientific-journalistic articles, film-television-radio scripts, prose and translated works, “Mozalan” movie plots, 18 books (“Appreciating Beauty”- 1984; “Modern Movie Actors of Azerbaijan”- 1984; “Unforgettable Roads”- 1985; “Love Hymns” – 1989; “Karagoz Game” – 1999; “Satire Art of M.A. Sabir” – 1999; “First is the Motherland” – 2003, “Moments of a Great Life” – 2004, “Cognition” – 2007, “Motherland” struggle”-2011, “Azman” – 2013, “Creator” – 2019, etc.). He was the author and presenter of the cultural program “Time and Space” on the “Medaniyat” channel of AzTV, and the “Voice of the Motherland” program addressed to our compatriots living abroad on ITV (2011-2018).He is doctor of Philosophy in Philology (1988), Associate Professor (2000), laureate of the “Golden Pen” award.He is a member of the Union of Journalists of Azerbaijan (1981), the Guild of Professional Film Directors of Azerbaijan (2009) and the Union of Cinematographers of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2001).

  1.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i1TIfZydYk
  1. https://lent.az/xeber/sosial/artur-rasizade-ile-islemek-asan-deyildi-akif-eli-ile-ekskluziv-musahibe-415118
  1. https://filmfond.az/2022/02/22/akif-%C9%99li-70/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ8WX8h7kyQ
  1. https://yeniazerbaycan.com/Sosial_e65977_az.html?fbclid=IwAR0Nl6-xbOY9PTINrS_kPQKfgP8tMk_umJX-VT8irlNEFtxUK1cjDV4ADgw
  1. https://report.az/daxili-siyaset/akif-eli-bu-yurdda-tektanriliq-ereblerden-min-iller-qabaq-olub/
  2. https://kulis.az/xeber/media/%22Dedilr-Vzirov-qarabaglidir-dey-dogum-yerini-bel-yazdirmisan%22-colorred-Akif-li-il-Susa-sohbticolor-34992
  1. https://kulis.az/xeber/tarix/colorredAkif-li:color-“Susaya-gec-gunduz-calisan-mdni-rhbrlik-lazimdir”-colorredMusahibcolor-35039
  2. https://tezadlar.az/index.php/c-miyy-t/6288-z%C9%99man%C9%99mizin-akif-%C9%99lisi.html
  3. https://kulis.az/news/30419


  1. Thousand first tour (1974, full length feature film) – assistant director, actor (Musician) – “Azerbaijanfilm”
  2. Short encounters in a long war (1974, full length feature film) – actor (Rustam)-“Tajikfilm” və “Lenfilm”
  3. Pipe’s sound (1975, full length feature film) – actor (Tapdig) – “Azerbaijanfilm”
  4. Stab in the back (1977, full length feature film) – actor (Fazil) – “Azerbaijanfilm”
  5. If we are together (1977, full length feature film) – actor (Mammad) – Moscow Television
  6. “Molla Nasraddin” (1981-1983, Azerbaijan Radio, screenwriter)
  7. “Elegance” Art collection (1983, Azerbaijan Television, screenwriter)
  8. Strike (1983, “Mozalan” filmjournal № 79, screenwriter)
  9. I am sorry (1985, “Mozalan” filmjournal № 99, screenwriter)
  10. “On the contrary” (1987, “Mozalan” filmjournal№ 121, screenwriter)
  11. How the works goes or Reward (1988, “Mozalan” filmjournal № 123, screenwriter)
  12. Neighbors (1989, “Mozalan” filmjournal № 132,, screenwriter)
  13. “Armchair” (1989, “Mozalan” filmjournal №144, 1989;, screenwriter)
  14. “Deputy” (1989, “Mozalan” filmjournal № 144,, screenwriter)
  15. Hotel room (1998, full length feature film) – actor (Asgar) – “Azerbaijanfilm”
  16. “Hadji Gara” (1998, “Mozalan” filmjournal №172, screenwriter)
  17. İmamverdi Abilov” (2001, documentary film, screenwriter) – AzerbaijanTelefilm
  18. New generation, new education” (2001, television film, screenwriter) – AzerbaijanTelefilm
Akif Eli-5
Contact:055 300-15-05; e-mail: akifali55@gmail.com
Address:Baku city, Yeni Yasamal, M.M.Navvab 70/184