Orkhan Fikratoglu

screenwriter, writer


Orkhan Fikratoglu (Orkhan Sadigov son of  Fikret ) was born in Baku. He studied at a sports boarding school (1973-1983), at the Institute of World Literature named after M. Gorky (1983-1991). His first story was published in 1981 in “Hedgehog” magazine. His books named “The Tale of the World” (1989), “Morning” (1994), “Shirvan Sheshangisi” (1998), “The Man of the 3rd Day” (2000), “The Book of 100 Years” (2007), “Time” (2008) , “Colorful stories” (1990, Moscow, won the prize of “Ogonyok” magazine), numerous essays were published. The plays “TAS”, “Death of a Squirrel”, “Shakilchi and shakilchi” were staged in the theaters of the country. He started working as a lighting assistant in a film studio. Then he became a director of photography and director’s assistant. He worked as a chief editor at the State Cinematography Committee, chief editor at “Azkinovideo”, chief editor at “Azerbaijantelefilm”, deputy director of “Mir” television company, chief editor of ANS television, director of “Gunay” newspaper. He worked as director and artistic guiding of “Mozalan” studio. He was a teacher of the Faculty of Journalism and Azerbaijani Philology of the Baku Slavic University, a program host on the ATV TV channel. He is currently working on Public TV. He is the author of 14 fiction prose books and 3 publicity books. Honored artist (2016). He is a member of the Professional Film Directors Guild of Azerbaijan.

The writer Orkhan Fikratoglu is the son of the poet Fikret Sadig.

  1. https://az.trend.az/azerbaijan/society/3594690.html
  2. https://525.az/news/164544-orxan-fikretoglu-arzularim-hec-vaxt-kiminse-arzulariyla-toqqusmayib
  3. https://metbuat.az/news/1461211/orxan-fikretoglu-beynelxalq-mukafata-layiq-goruldu.html
  4. https://edebiyyatqazeti.az/news/edebi-tenqid/6979-orxan-fikretoglu-yaradiciliginda-modern-ve-postmodern-elementler
  5. https://rekord.az/news/olke-cempionu-orxan-fikretoglu-samaxiliyam-ve-ora-bagliligim-genetikdir/35761
  6. https://report.az/maraqli-melumatlar/orxan-fikretoglu-rus-sektoru-putin-pasinyan-molla-rejimi-jurnalistika-barede/
  7. https://apa.az/az/edebiyyat/orxan-fikretoglu-metroda-oxunan-kitab-hec-vaxt-edebiyyat-ola-bilmez-musahibe-726138


    1. Wedding ring (1991, full length feature film) – screenwriter
    2. Gazalkhan (1991, full length feature film) – editor
    3. Voice (II) (1993, short documentary film) – screenwriter
    4. Sentence (1994, full length feature film) – editor
    5. “Shakilchi and shakilchi” (1995, full length film-performance) – screenwriter
    6. Hope (II) (1995, full length feature film) – screenwriter
    7. Burden (1995, full length feature film) – editor, actor (mirza)
    8. Family (1998, full length feature film) – editor
    9. Hotdog (1998, short feature film) – screenwriter
    10. The man in the white linen (2000, full length documentary film) –author of text, actor (presenter)
    11. Circle (II) (2005, short feature film) – director, screenwriter
    12. Territory (2005, short feature film) – director, screenwriter
    13. A lie (2006, full length feature film) – screenwriter
    14. Stroke my wings (2008, short feature film) – screenwriter
    15. 3 colors (2010, short feature film) – his work has been used
    16. A wise man in a seclusion (2014, short documentary film) – screenwriter
    17. Legend (II) (2017, short documentary film) – screenwriter
    18. Generous stingy (2017, short documentary film) – screenwriter
    19. Notes of my life (2017, short documentary film) – editor
    20. Immortal Murtuza (2017, short documentary film) – screenwriter
    21. Last accord (2017, short documentary film) – screenwriter
    22. Girls from Baku (2018, short documentary film) – editor
    23. 9 images of The Republic (2018, short documentary film) – screenwriter, actor (Alimardan bey Topchubashov)
    24. Turn (V) (2018, full length documentary film) – screenwriter
    25. Life of a savior (2018, short documentary film) – editor
    26. Songs of the heart (2018, short documentary film) – editor
    27. Native language (2019, short documentary television film) – screenwriter
    28. 20th January: Changing fates (2020, short documentary television film) – screenwriter
    29. New day (2020, short documentary television film) – screenwriter
    30. Left-handed (short feature film) – screenwriter


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